In time Russian - Turkish war 1828 — 1829 to Áîñôîðó in May 1829 years was sent the group of the ships consisting from frigate "Shtandard" and brigs "Mercury" and "Orfey" in cruising navigation.
By noticing Russian court, the linear turkish ships have rushed in a pursuit. More high-speed "Shtandard" and "Orfey" have left forward, and "Mercury" has lagged behind. The turkish ships — 110 - gun "Selimia" and 74 - gun "Real-bey" — have overtaken 20 - gun brig. Commander has collected all officers on a military council. On the naval tradition which has acted first younger on a grade first lieutenant the cases of the naval navigators Ivan Procofiev has offered fight up to last opportunity, and lieutenant Fedor Novosilsky — stayed in an alive officer — to blow up brig, but to not hand over to its enemy.
More than four hours proceeded unknown in a history sea buttle. Brig has received 22 holes, 297 various damages. Due to a skilful management by fight, courage and skill of Russian seamen, brig «Mercury» has left by the victory. Even the opponent was compelled to recognize a brilliant victory Russian. The participant buttle the turkish navigator with «Real-bey» wrote later: " During battle we have understood, that the captain of brig never will surrender, and, if he will lose hope, then will blow up brig on air. If in great acts of ancient and our times there are feats of bravery, this act owes all its darken, and name of this hero adequately to be tracing the gold letters on a temple of glory".
For the feat the crew brig was award to height of the reward — right to carry georgievsky fodder flag. The special decree recommended always count in the lists of Russian fleet the ship with the name "Memory of Mercury". A. I. Kazarsky have made in the captains 2 ranks, have awarded to order by Sacred Georgiy of a 4-th degree and have enlisted in imperial retinue a wing - aide-de-camp.